
2023 Acquisition of Chinese Long Win
2020 Acquisition of Ingeniera de Procesos S.A.
2019 Acquisition of Extruwork SRL
2018 Sandvik Process Systems becomes IPCO
2017 FAM AB has completed the acquisition of Sandvik Process Systems
2015 Acquisition of SGL Technology, Netherlands
2014 Launch of high precision steel belts for production of ceramic tiles
2014 Investment in the intellectual property of Brimrock Inc, Canada to expand sulphur processing & handling offer
2014 Investment in a state-of-the-art steel belt leveling plant in Sandviken, Sweden
2013 Acquisition of TechnoPartner Samtronic GmbH, Germany
2012 Invention of the PTFE/Steel Belt Combi Double Belt Press for composite material
2009 Launch of the Rotoform High Speed pastillation system
2007 Divestment of Sandvik Sorting Systems to Fives-Lille, France
2001 Acquisition of Hindrichs-Auffermann GmbH, Germany
2000 Delivery of the largest Wood Based Panels belt ever (L: 131 m, W: 4 m, T: 3 mm)
1997 Head Office moved to Sandviken, Sweden
1995 Complete casting & drying process line for polymid film
1991 Start up of complete processing line for Double Belt Press belts
1990 Second wave of Double Belt Presses (for production of plastic material)
1985 World’s largest perforated steel belt – Ultra Washer for Pulp (L: 72 m, W: 6 m, 90 milllion holes)
1981 Sandvik Process Systems, SPS, founded (Head Office in Fellbach, Germany)
1980 Launch of the Rotoform pastillation system
1969 Sandvik Conveyor GmbH
1966 Invention of the Sandvik Double Belt Press
1935 Launch of the first steel belt cooler for chemical products
1931 Launch of the stainless steel belt
1925 Launch of the world’s first bake oven belt
1901 Launch of the world’s first steel belt conveyor